My seven year old is a vegetarian. When she started her quest of avoiding meat we thought just cutting out meat itself would be enough, but it has become a journey of shocking, jaw-dropping discovery at just what contains ground-up animal parts. As a result, I am now a veggie. So I have gone from researching good recipes and nutritional information, which is essential for such a young vegetarian, to the family taking on a healthier, more compassionate outlook on life.

Friday 6 April 2007

Linda McCartney - vegetarian inspiration

About Linda
A pioneer in both the vegetarian and animal rights movements, the late Linda McCartney shared her knowledge and love of meatless cooking through a series of best-selling cookbooks including, Linda McCartney’s New Home Cooking and Linda’s Kitchen: Simple and Inspiring Recipes for Meatless Meals. In 1991, Linda launched her own line of meatless frozen meals in the UK.
With her husband, Paul McCartney, Linda promoted the health and environmental benefits to be gained through a vegetarian lifestyle.

Sir Paul is quoted as saying: "We have been making good tasting, high quality vegetarian food since 1991 when Linda started our food company. Our intention was — and still is — to provide our friends and customers with an easy, healthy alternative to a meat-based diet. Since then, we have produced popular vegetarian meals for an ever-more environmentally aware world. As animal lovers, we are proud that our products are cruelty free and that not one animal suffers in the production of our delicious meals. We sincerely hope you will enjoy our line of food and that you will join us in helping to make our world a better place for us and our children to live in."

Soy Protein
Some of Linda McCartney’s ready meals contain soy protein, as a meat substitute. The vegetarian chicken in Linda McCartney frozen entrĂ©es and pizzas is made with soy protein. A product of soy beans, soy protein has been clinically proven to reduce cholesterol levels and potentially lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
For more information on soy visit

For online Linda McCartney recipes visit

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