My seven year old is a vegetarian. When she started her quest of avoiding meat we thought just cutting out meat itself would be enough, but it has become a journey of shocking, jaw-dropping discovery at just what contains ground-up animal parts. As a result, I am now a veggie. So I have gone from researching good recipes and nutritional information, which is essential for such a young vegetarian, to the family taking on a healthier, more compassionate outlook on life.

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Veg TV for me!

I found this really good site, called ‘veg tv.’ Vegetarian celebs talking about what made them choose to be a veggie and how it has affected their lives, all for the good, I have to say!

I enjoyed Alec Baldwin talking about how ex-wife Kim Basinger got him into be a veggie and when they divorced all his mates expected him to give it up, but he is still a keen veggie and animal rights campaigner.

Heather Mills-McCartney, much vilified in the press, had some valid and upsetting information to divulge about animals be skinned alive. As nasty as the information is, we need people to know about it, so they will stop buying fur.

Incidentally, this has nothing to do with me being a veggie, it has to do with being a compassionate human being.

Veg tv is good to have a browse around and I hope their strap line is true: ‘Loose weight, feel better, get more energy, look sexier, save money, live longer!’

To take a look, visit:

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